<aside> 💡 Teaching quality: Evaluation of teaching involves collecting evidence, from various stakeholders, for the purpose of improving the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process. For this reason, in this section you will find first the University evaluations that were conducted from 2019-2022 from several courses I have been involved in. You will also find the evaluation criteria for external courses I have given. Finally, you can find what I call 'the voice of the students', which is a collection of those comments that I have received through mail or social networks from students about my teaching practice and its impact on their professional and personal development.
Criteria | Description |
Teaching practice | The University check the total of answers and make a calculation for your teaching practice during a semester. It evaluates, learning outcomes, methodologies and communication. |
Coherence | Reviews features such as whether course activities allow adequate preparation for evaluations. |
Collaboration for learning | Here the University checks if students in the course are willing to support their peers when there is something they do not understand. Also, if within the course tools are promoted to perform group work in a satisfactory way. Finally, it is analyzed if the dynamics of the course allows achieving the learning objectives. |
Promotion of autonomy | In this criterion, the University seeks to establish whether the professor conveys confidence in the students' abilities to perform in the course. In addition, it evaluates whether the professor encourages questions when students do not understand or seek to go deeper into the subject. Finally, it seeks to determine if the professor tries to understand how the students understand the topics before suggesting new ways. |
Feedback, monitoring and grading | In this criterion, the University seeks to establish whether the professor establishes the grading criteria in advance of the presentation of work or activities. In addition, it is evaluated whether these criteria are respected and whether there is any space for reflection or discussion on the students' performance. It also seeks to establish if there are spaces for feedback and resolution of doubts. |
Treatment of students | In this criterion, the University seeks to establish whether students feel confident participating in class. Also, if the professor treats all students equally, without discrimination. If the relationship between teacher and students is respectful and the teacher does not make any sexist or discriminatory jokes. |
<aside> 💡 Courses: Following you can find each course with its corresponding overall evaluation ¡¡¡
2019-I: Securities Law & Fundamental of law for non-lawyers
2019-II: Securities Law, Fundamentals of Law for non-lawyers & LawTech
2020-I: Securities Law & Commercial Law
2020-II Securities Law, Commercial Law & LawTech
2021-I: Securities Law & Commercial Law
2021-II: Securities Law, Commercial Law & LawTech
2022-I: Securities Law & LawTech
2022-II: Securities Law & Constitution and Democracy
Evaluation courses 2019-II.pdf
Evaluation courses 2020-II.pdf
Evaluation courses 2021-II.pdf
Evaluation courses 2022-II.pdf
On a scale of 100 to 200, the total global score calculated depends on a scale and a range. In addition, on a scale of 1 to 5, as the results appear in Academia, the overall score is estimated.
2020-I: Due to a health emergency this term, the evaluation did not have punctuation and only estimates the primary factors to enhance virtual learning. Instead they create a word cloud for each of the courses to motivate professors in their teaching practice: